Risk Management

"Versatile Learning and Growth Programs Interlacing Theory with Experiential Knowledge"

Risk Management is an integrated process that helps organizations achieve their goals by building trust and credibility, identifying likely setbacks and risks and providing  full support to organizational risk management.  Whereas Compliance Management is a set of policies and procedures that provide guidance to companies on complying with rapidly increasing rules and regulations imposed by all stakeholders -customers, suppliers, government agencies, employees and shareholders-.

Driven by increased complexity of doing business due to globalization and re-engineered products and services and outsourcing, businesses are striving to stay ahead of the competition in a dynamic risk landscape.  Even a minor oversight or mishap may indelibly hurt a company's reputation, credibility and business connections.

Ironman Consulting offers consultancy and technology services to companies on  Corporate Risk Management, Risk Based Internal Audit and Compliance Management. 
