QPR - Internal Control

Internal Control Technology Solution Complies with Law 5018

Integrated Technology Platform for Effective Internal Control Management 
QPR  Internal Control enables  organizations to identify processes, create job descriptions and determine process-related risks and control actions in accordance with the Internal Control Regulations governed by  law  5018. .  All procedures can be conducted using technology solution in accordance with the risk measurements and control plans devised by the internal control team.

Internal Control Regulations on Technology Solutions
All procedures can be conducted using technology solutions and in accordance with control plans devised by the internal control team.
Preparing Internal Control Environment
QPR Internal Control can be used to define the processes and document how organizational operations are integrated.
Monitoring Risk and Control Actions
Impact - probability deviations, risk maps and risks to be addressed can be identified  using technology. 
Monitoring Risk and Control Actions
With QPR Internal Control, Risks and Control Actions can be monitored on the processes created in internal control environment, internal control actions can be carried out by the internal control team.  Similarly, impact-probability deviations, risk maps and risks  to be addressed can be identified using technology. 
QPR Mobile Dashboard
A tool based on visual presentation and summary data that enables you to view the data of your choice wherever you are for faster decision making.
  • Users easily view the summary data of their choice
  • Access to beautiful interactive graphics with responsive UI technology
  • Access to Performance Management & Process KPIs
  • Access to views and dashboards