QPR Metrics - Employee Performance Management

"Speeds-up Implementation of Employee Performance Management Models"

Employee Performance and Reward Management
“Ineffective Employee Performance and Reward Management Systems" stand out as one of the obstacles to strategy execution . Therefore, Employee Performance and Reward Management should be linked to Integrated Corporate Performance Management System and supported with competency development plans.




Achieve Success by Monitoring Individual Goals
QPR Metrics - Provides an integrated solution platform for employee performance and reward management. QPR enables you to cascade goals from corporate level down to team level and implement your talent management model.




Enhance Your Company-Wide Collaboration Capabilities
QPR Employees can add comments and actions to their dashboards while managers translate into action the insights they gain by monitoring the assigned tasks and progress made.




Integrating Corporate and Employee Objectives
You can integrate employee goals and results to achieve corporate level goals.
Assesment-Based Talent Management System
You can create a potential pool by establishing a measurement-based talent management system pertaining to employee competencies.
Effective Communication Among Managers and Employees
You can manage performance planning, management and communication among managers and employees.




QPR Metrics is a performance management solution that enables all management levels to trace the progress of the Strategic Goals and Performance.
Monitor Performance and Talent
QPR Metrics, speeds up the performance reporting cycle by automating manual tasks and monitoring handled by managers. Hence, managers can reach the right information faster and in the format that facilitates analyzing.
Scorecards for Different Levels
QPR Metrics, is a flexible and robust solution that supports employee performance management and management systems. Organizations can use QPR Metrics to share widely their strategies and business plans with employees, thereby ensuring employee support and ownership.
QPR Mobile Dashboard
A tool based on visual presentation and summary data that enables you to view the data of your choice wherever you are for faster decision making.
  • Users easily view the summary data of their choice
  • Access to beautiful interactive graphics with responsive UI technology
  • Access to Performance Management & Process KPIs
  • Access to views and dashboards