Effective Process Management Process Management is one of the most critical Corporate Performance Management tools that organizations use to reduce costs and improve profitability in today's increasingly competitive business landscape. Improve Process Awareness Process Management Software QPR ProcessDesigner provides your organization with an all-inclusive multiuser environment to describe, analyze, communicate and improve your processes. Process Steps and Process Relationships Analysis QPR ProcessDesigner captures process information as a model, rather than a collection of diagrams. This makes maintenance work significantly more efficient and allows each stakeholder to view and analyze the model from a viewpoint that most applies to their role. Document Management Integration Process management software can easily be integrated with your document management system. Publishing Process Models Defined and analyzed process models can be published by users to Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as PDF, XML, XAML and ebXML formats. Process Improvement Meetings The model-based approach also enables centrally managing the available model assets such as teams, IT systems and documents, as well as the notation used to describe your processes, to ensure a consistent process model. Functions QPR ProcessDesigner is a powerful tool for defining, analyzing, exporting and improving processes. Flexible Web-Based Process Management QPR Process Designer, a web-based and flexible process management solution, enables you to analyze your business process and improve their efficiency. QPR Process Designer helps you effectively manage your entire business processes from designing to documenting, measuring and analyzing process models, continuous process management and improvement efforts. With QPR Process Designer, all users can have easy access to processes described in graphic media, over the Portal. Moreover, ease of use and instant online web publishing capabilities ensure that your process improvement projects are fast and easy to control. Seamless Integration with Your Information Systems Infrastructure Based on standard windows technology, QPR Process Designer supports the latest technology integration standards like XML for smooth integration with your data systems. QPR Process Designer can meet organizations all process-related business needs from small scale projects like process introduction and orientation, to re-structuring efforts. Monitor Process Performance QPR ProcessDesigner solution enables you to manage your strategies/ business goals that you formulate on the QPR Metrics, in integration with your processes, and monitor process performances in numerical values. . QPR Mobile Dashboard A tool based on visual presentation and summary data that enables you to view the data of your choice wherever you are for faster decision making. Users easily view the summary data of their choice Access to beautiful interactive graphics with responsive UI technology Access to Performance Management & Process KPIs Access to views and dashboards Performance QPR Metrics - Integrated Performance Management QPR ProcessDesigner - Process Management Integrated Corporate and Employee Performance Management QPR Metrics - Employee Performance Management