Integrated Corporate and Employee Performance Management

"Kurumsal ve Bireysel Performans Entegrasyonu ile Kurumu Bir Bütün Olarak Yönetmenizi ve Yönlendirmenizi Sağlar"

Seamless Integration with Your Information Systems Infrastructure
QPR Metrics exports actual operational results to scorecards facilitating easy access to required data at any time. Designed to require minimal technical support, QPR Metrics has low operating cost and rapid widespread deployment capabilities.
Linking Performance, Risk and Process Management Models
QPR Metrics solution enables you to link your performance management model to your risk or process management activities so that you can interactively collect, consolidate, monitor and report the data necessary to set effective, well-defined and attainable goals.

You can speed-up your performance reporting cycles.
Data Integration from Operational Systems
You can easily import data from operational systems for strategy-focused management.
Consolidating Corporate Goals and Employee Objectives
You can create a separate performance management model for organization, function, business line, employee, etc. and promptly activate the systems using templates.
QPR Mobile Dashboard
A tool based on visual presentation and summary data that enables you to view the data of your choice wherever you are for faster decision making.
  • Users easily view the summary data of their choice
  • Access to beautiful interactive graphics with responsive UI technology
  • Access to Performance Management & Process KPIs
  • Access to views and dashboards